You are welcome to select items from the Needs List and bring them by, or we have a great platform here that allows you to donate dollars that we will use to acquire the item(s) that can save you shopping, driving time, taxes and fees.

In this fashion we have the ability to leverage organizations to buy products in a higher volume with more precise sizing control resulting in a much lower per item cost and less waste which in turn maximizes your donation dollars!

As we are very fiscally responsible, these dollars may be first spent on the items of greatest need.

Together we can change the world for the youth in our community.

Website Designers: Nic Bott Design, YF Design team: Scott Catuccio, Kristen Mitchell & Jen Parsons-Soran ~ Web Hosting provided by a generous donation from XMission Salt Lake City ©2017 Youth Futures. All Rights Reserved. Please note that we utilize cookies to efficiently utilize our resources and funding. Any information gathered is used only as an aggregate and no personally identifiable information is collected, used or sold, ever.
